
[ENG] Soshiki no Shukuteki to Kekkon Shitara Mecha Amai V1 Chapter 8

 Final Chapter 

November 11th. The day before the anniversary of my marriage to Ritsuka.

Normally, it would have just been the day before an ordinary anniversary, a day with no particular significance, but...

"Ugh. I'm so nervous, Senpai."

"The meeting's in the afternoon, so if you're this nervous already, you're not going to last until then."

The ongoing project to turn the "Clay acorn" into a product—today's meeting was going to be a report session for it. My brother-in-law would be attending as well, and it was an important meeting to finalize the decision on which products to make. The ideas for the products that Ikoma-san and I had submitted were also among the candidates.

"I hope he likes at least one of them, Kurei-san."

"Hmm... He's more of an artist than a businessman, you know."

My brother-in-law had visited several times before for inspections, and each time, he had rejected the product ideas we presented. By now, there wasn't a person in the company who didn't know his name.

(Though it's the day before our wedding anniversary, it feels like a day full of trials.)

I sighed inwardly. I had taken the day off tomorrow, but if nothing came of this project during today's meeting, there would be no time for relaxing tomorrow. After all, I was the person in charge.

"I've finished checking the materials. I don't think there's any problem, but could you double-check them?"

"Yeah. If there's even one typo, he'll be unbearable about it."

I wondered if it was because he was a creator or just because he had a tendency for nitpicking, but my brother-in-law was sharp-eyed when it came to details.


"Yes? What is it, Director?"

"Sorry to interrupt while you're in the middle of checking, but I need to talk to you about the matter we discussed. Bring that with you and come to the room over there."

The director called me, so I grabbed my larger work bag and headed to the other room.

"──About the disposal of 'Saika Saiten,' did you bring it?"

"Yes, here it is."

I took out the 'Saika Saiten' that I had secretly brought from my bag. This had been discussed before, and it was now finally time for me to hand it over to the director for disposal.

"...You haven't done any maintenance on this. Is it still working properly?"

"Well... It hasn't really been used much, so I'm not sure."

"Anyway, I'll make sure it's completely disposed of. Thanks for your work."

"No, thank you for taking care of it."

I gave a bow. With that, 'Saika Saiten' was completely out of my hands.

The director cracked his neck and then shifted the conversation.

"By the way──about today's meeting, don't mess up. I absolutely don't want to get Kurei upset."

"He's basically tough on everyone except Ritsuka, so I'm honestly scared. This is for real."

"If it comes to it──I'll call in your wife."

"I absolutely don't want that... I'm confident it will go well."

That was too much of a last resort. The director chuckled, saying, "Just kidding." He's a unique person too.

"I’ll manage it without Ritsuka's help. This is my battle, right?"

"...You've changed."

"Huh? What do you mean all of a sudden?"

"I was just reminiscing. As you get older, even the smallest things can stir up emotions, and it's troublesome."

"You’re already an old man."

"I’ll hit you."

It was true that the director had aged, but despite that, he still looked youthful and full of energy. I silently wished for him to remain healthy, though I was too embarrassed to say it out loud.

"Sorry for taking up your time. Please go back to checking the materials."

"Yes, I will do my best!"

"That’s the spirit."

The director gave me a light pat on the back, and I returned to my seat.

I spent the morning checking materials and then took my lunch break. While eating Ritsuka's bento, I mentally reviewed the plans for the afternoon. The meeting was at 3 p.m., so I needed to start preparing the conference room right after lunch.

"Senpai, you're thinking about the meeting preparations, aren't you?"

"You figured it out... well, it's obvious since that's what I'll be doing right after lunch."

"A sharp junior like me can easily see through your thoughts!"

"I feel like I'm being slightly underestimated..."

If I were better at delegating, I should probably leave the meeting preparations to Ikoma-san and Otaka. But as the person in charge, I wanted to take care of those details myself.

Ikoma-san, having overcome her nervousness, seemed a bit more energetic than in the morning.

"Senpai. You should turn on the air conditioning in the meeting room. It takes forever to work, and it's been a bit chilly lately. So I’ve already done it for you."

"Not sure if that's a suggestion or a report... but thanks, that's helpful."

Otaka was as laid-back as usual. However, the air conditioning thing was something I hadn’t considered. It was a small but thoughtful insight, which is probably why he's considered unexpectedly competent.

"Hey, Otaka-kun. How do you know how the air conditioning works in the meeting room?"

"I tend to slack off in that room."


If the director heard that, he'd probably get hit. Ikoma-san and I were too stunned to even respond.

Time passed, and with only thirty minutes left until the meeting, my stomach started to ache.

(Should I take some stomach medicine...?)

I never used to get stomach aches from nerves or stress, no matter the situation. But now, as a working adult, I never expected my stomach to be this weak. I guess this is something all adults go through.

As I took the medicine with some water, I noticed a commotion coming from the hallway.

(What's going on? Please don’t tell me my brother-in-law showed up early and is causing a scene.)

But that was probably unlikely… though with him, there was always the possibility of anything happening.

I headed toward the hallway and found a few employees gathered, making a ruckus. Ikoma-san was among them.

"Ikoma-san, what's going on? Was there some kind of trouble?"

"Ah, Senpai. Well, if you just take a look, you'll understand right away..."

The sound of a bell echoed. It was the sound of a collar, the kind I often hear at home.

A jet-black cat, panting heavily, stared at me with round eyes.

It was impossible to mistake it for a stray cat. This was our family now, so there was no doubt about it.

"Nyankichi...? What are you doing here...?"

"A cat inside the company—wait, what?"

I couldn’t process what was happening. Nyankichi, who’s an indoor cat, was here in my company, far away from home. Had it followed me all the way from this morning? That seemed impossible. If that were the case, it would have been noticed much earlier.

My thoughts swirled in confusion. And yet, it was a sign of something I should be grateful for—an unspoken bond between me and this cat.

In a way only Nyankichi could, the cat clearly communicated to me.

[...That person, 'Ritsuka,' was attacked…]

──The trial of the day was about to begin, right at this moment.

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary!! How exciting!!

So, today, I couldn’t focus on work at all. There wasn’t anything urgent, no one was watching me, and it didn’t matter if I slacked off a bit.

Before I knew it, it was lunchtime. I straightened my back and headed to the kitchen.

"Nyankichi~. Shall we have lunch?"


Not too long ago, I used to eat lunch alone, feeling a bit lonely. But now, I have Nyankichi with me. Well, to be honest, I mostly just watch Nyankichi eat his kibble while I pick at leftovers from yesterday.

I’ve taken the day off tomorrow, so I’ll be able to spend the whole day with Rou-kun. We’ve already made plans, so I’m really looking forward to it.

(But he’s going to be late today, huh... Rou-kun.)

He mentioned last night, sounding a little tired, that he’d have an important meeting with my brother and would likely be home only before the last train. I had wanted to celebrate in advance and have dinner together, but I understand that he’s busy with work right now. It’s a huge project, and as the person in charge, failure isn’t an option. If he succeeds, though, he might get a promotion. Although, he doesn’t seem to care much about that.

...Anyway, today is the "stay put" day for the dog, I guess.

"What about for the cat, though, Nyankichi?"


"I see... Well, when he comes home, I’ll give him a kiss right away… That’s a good idea."


"Nyankichi, you’re bold for a girl."

Having finished his kibble, Nyankichi turned his back on me with a huff. I’m not sure how much cats understand human language, but maybe he was just embarrassed.

"Well then. After a little break, I’ll wrap up work quickly."

──Ding-dong. The doorbell rang. If it’s a delivery… I don’t remember ordering anything.

So it’s probably a sales call or some sort of solicitation. Those are always so annoying to deal with.

"…I’ll just pretend I’m not home."

I feel bad, but I’m not a housewife, so I’m busy. Just like they’re doing their job by ringing the bell, I’m doing mine by pretending I can’t hear it.

[…!? Fshhh!]

"Huh? What’s wrong, Nyankichi—?"

Nyankichi, who had been nearby, suddenly fluffed up his fur and started hissing toward the entrance.

I was startled. At the same moment, the front door crashed open with a loud noise.

The door was locked. It wasn’t opened normally. It had been kicked down.

"What the—…"

"Avoiding the doorbell without hiding your presence… You must be quite soft."

A tall man. He had a solid build. Most importantly, the murderous intent emanating from him was not that of an ordinary person.

His face… Wait, I recognize him. But I can’t remember who he is right away. I need to extract information quickly.

He marched into our home, stomping his boots as if he owned the place. It seemed he had no sense of decency.

"...I’ll call the police. Who are you?"

"Go ahead. If you have the time for that, then—‘White Sorcerer’."


I know that name. That means he’s affiliated with either the Organization or the Shishima Bureau. People from the Organization don’t call me that, so he’s probably with the Shishima Bureau.

[Ffff... Ffff…]

"Nyankichi! Get back!"

"...? What’s with this noisy little cat? You keep strange pets."

"Don’t you dare insult my family."

Of course Nyankichi is angry and hissing at this intruder. But it’s also clear that this man is no ordinary threat. If Nyankichi tries to pounce on him, he’ll almost certainly be struck down. I have to prevent that no matter what.

"What do you want? If it’s money… I don’t have much!"

"You. And Rouji."

His right arm shot out like a blade. This isn’t someone you can reason with. The fact that he barged into our home already made that clear—but to throw a punch without warning?

I twisted my body just in time to dodge the blow, leaping backward to create some distance.

"What’s wrong? Use it. You have the Blessing, don’t you?"

"...I’m not using it."

There’s nowhere to run in the house. The only option would be to open a window and jump out.

But there was a reason I leaped backward. I grabbed Hibari, displayed on the wall, and took my stance with the blade still sheathed. Drawing a real sword immediately would be too much—even for this situation.

"Good. So that’s how you want to play it."

"Forget calling the police—I’ll just drag you to them myself."

I stepped forward and thrust. Moving faster than he could react, the tip of the scabbard struck him squarely on the forehead.

Even though it was sheathed, I’d put my full (perfectly average) body weight into that blow. A direct hit like that should’ve been enough to knock him down, if not knock him out.

But—this man’s forehead was unnervingly hard.

An opponent a blade cannot pierce. A bearer of such a Blessing. Memories burst open in my mind.

"This feeling… I remember now. You’re—Ten-Gai."


As if to confirm his identity, Ten-Gai reached for me again. I quickly retreated and unsheathed Hibari, tossing the scabbard backward with all my strength. It shattered the glass of the balcony door with a loud crash.

Hearing the sound, I shouted,

"Nyankichi!! Run!!"


"Still worried about your cat at a time like this?"

Even if Ten-Gai’s target is me, there’s no guarantee Nyankichi won’t get caught in the crossfire. He could jump to the neighbor Kameoka’s balcony or, worst case, land safely even from a high fall. Nyankichi is smart—I know he understands me.

A fist like solid rock grazed my cheek. I barely managed to dodge it.

…Now there’s only one thing left to do—beat this guy down, make him pay for the damages, and hand him over to the police.

"I’ll wrap this up before my lunch break is over…!"

Sword drawn, I stood ready. I would fight to protect the home where Rou-kun belongs—

[...I don't know what happened to Ritsuka after that…]

"--I see. I'm glad you're safe."

I grabbed Nyankichi and ran into an empty conference room to hear the gist of what had happened.

As instructed, Nyankichi ran away from home and somehow followed my scent here. He acts like a dog, but he's a really good pet cat.

Then Nyankichi spoke the word "Tengai". It goes without saying who he was.


Tengai... Shishikura Kengo went missing on the day of the final battle. No matter how much they searched, he was nowhere to be found, and since his body was never found, it was thought he was still alive.

...My heart beat faster and faster. More than anything, I was worried about Ritsuka's safety.

 (It shouldn't be that easy to defeat. But Ritsuka and I have been away from actual combat for a long time now. Even if Ritsuka has the Blessing──)

[If I was really strong, I would have blown away someone like him…]

"Don't say that. A cat doesn't have to worry that much."

Nyankichi says something that's oddly bothersome, but I don't have the time to comment on it.

I call Ritsuka countless times, but she doesn't seem to pick up. Maybe she doesn't notice the call, or──

"──Connected!? Ritsuka!!"

"...That saves me the trouble of contacting."

The voice on the other end was rough and nostalgic, the complete opposite of Ritsuka's beautiful voice.

...Stay calm. Now is not the time to get angry. Getting the information out is the top priority.

"What is your purpose, Kengo?"

"You two are always going on about your purpose.  Do you need a purpose for meeting your old friend for the first time in ten years, Rouji?”

"No need for pointless questions. I know what you did to Ritsuka."

"That strange cat?"

"Tell me. I didn't come here for no reason."

"I don't know──I just want to see you. I'll tell you the location now. Come right away."

"If you don't──"

"You must have guessed by the time this situation occurred. I'll just kill the White Sorcerer."

"……I see."

Kengo is receiving a call for Ritsuka. In other words, it's highly likely that Ritsuka is no longer free. However, the fact that he's using Ritsuka for negotiations means that she's not dead. That's enough to know.

Kengo tells him the location. He doesn't want to talk for long, so he just hangs up.

[W-What should we do?]


[But that male human is…]

Strong, Nyankichi was about to say. But before he could, the door to the conference room opened.


"He's strong."

"...May I ask how you know?"

I don't think the conversation was eavesdropped on. The director must have heard from other employees that I was acting strangely, and realized what kind of situation I was in.

He must have information that I don't. So he begins to speak.

"This whole area - the area around our company and the town you live in. Haven't you felt that lately?"


"The security situation is deteriorating."


I had felt it faintly. Over the past month, as I lived what was supposed to be an ordinary life, the events that occurred—like the Yakuza showing up at a store or encountering a mugger—had been far too disruptive. Of course, neither Ritsuka nor I had done anything to cause this; we had merely stumbled upon these situations by coincidence.

"Regardless of whether you have any idea, the fact is that the public security has worsened. All because of Kengo."

"Because of him? Wait, just one person can't possibly have such an impact on security—"

"—It’s obvious it would. Both you and I, and even him, are the wind."

I recalled the conversation I had with the department head the other day.

If society were an ocean, and the citizens were the fish living in it, then we are the wind.

"I was just gathering information, but for some reason, Kengo has been causing chaos all over the place lately. He’s been attacking and destroying anyone who’s part of what you’d call an anti-social group. Even though they’re anti-social, they're still organizations. When there's a crack in the structure, the ripple effect spreads to the public. It’s like hitting a beehive recklessly. Eventually, Kengo’s actions end up affecting us."

Normally, it would be impossible for a single person to attack anti-social groups on their own. But Kengo has extraordinary combat skills and a Blessing. Even if they gang up on him, they wouldn't stand a chance. It's possible for him.

"You knew all this and still kept it from me? Why?"

"There was no need to say anything. You and I, we're just ordinary office workers at this company."

We had chosen this way of life. So even if we knew, we did nothing. We didn’t even offer any advice.

That’s what it means to be an ordinary citizen, just another member of society.

…But that’s irrelevant now. Neither Ritsuka nor I are ordinary anymore.

"Ritsuka was attacked by Kengo. She's been taken hostage. I know where Kengo is."

"Tell the police. They'll act immediately."

"Kengo wants me to come. Any action he doesn't want could put Ritsuka’s life in danger."

"Even then, tell them. Sit tight and wait. That's what ordinary citizens do."

"Then I don’t want to be an ordinary citizen anymore."

We live our lives weighing everything on a scale.

Whether we are ordinary citizens, special citizens, or outsiders, there’s really no difference.

The social status I have gained, and Ritsuka. Which way the scale tips is obvious.

"As your superior, as your former commander, I’m ordering you: Don’t go."

"You’ll die," the department head said, standing in my way. I stepped closer and snarled.

"Move, old man. Is there any husband who would just stand by while his wife gets hurt?"

"Do you understand what’s about to happen at the company? The meeting’s about to start. You're the one responsible, and you’re also the one running it. If you suddenly skip out without reason, it’ll be more than just a scolding…"

This was a crucial project for the company, and there would be many external stakeholders in the meeting.

I’d surely face consequences. There could even be disciplinary termination. But—

"I don’t care."

Even if I’m a cog in the machine, a corporate slave, a part of society—I’m only doing it because I have to.

I’m not foolish enough to lose sight of what really matters.

"…Sigh. You’ve changed, but in the end, you’ve always been impossible to control. Always have been."

A resigned sigh. The department head exhaled wearily, and with a gesture I hadn’t noticed before, he placed something heavy and stiff on the desk. It made a nostalgic sound.

"Take this. It’s 'Saika Saiten.' Do you think you can face Kengo without it? 'Feather Hunter.'"

...What the hell? Had he known from the start how I would act?

"Old man—"

"It’s ‘department head’ now, you fool. And take this too."

This time, he handed me the company car key. I hadn’t even thought about how I was going to get there.

"…I should’ve told you more about Kengo. If I had, we wouldn’t have ended up reacting so late. This is my fault, and my apology."

"If anything happens, it’ll be my responsibility. That’s what a leader does."

"You sure say irresponsible things, considering you act that way. Listen, Rouji, if you’re going, settle everything. I’ll keep your seat open for you when you come back."

"Thank you…department head."

I lowered my head. The department head silently gave my back a light pat.

With Saika Saiten in my right hand and Nyankichi in my left, I returned to my seat.

I stuffed both of them into my bag and made to leave the company immediately.


"...! Ikoma-san."

I was called out. Of course, nobody but the department head knew about my situation. To her, I probably seemed like the worst senior, suddenly running off before an important meeting.

But there was no time to make up excuses. I silently turned my back on Ikoma-san.

"Um! I’ll handle the proceedings and the explanations, everything! It’s fine, the meeting will go smoothly even if you’re not there!"


"So, don’t worry. Please go quickly. I don’t know the reason, but—"

"...Sorry. I’ll definitely repay you for this."

"It’s fine. A capable junior like me can easily figure out what you’re thinking."

When I looked back, Ikoma-san was smiling confidently, showing a bright grin.

Honestly, I thought again, this girl is an incredibly talented junior.

The place Kengo had designated was a scrapyard located in the mountains on the outskirts of the city. It was no longer in use, and there were "No Entry" signs posted around the premises, surrounded by barbed wire.

[..Do you remember the story about how there are a few humans who can understand my words?]

"Yeah. You mentioned something like that when we first met."

I parked the car in a random spot and grabbed my bag before stepping onto the premises. During that time, Nyankichi began speaking to me. I kept a cautious eye on my surroundings while replying.

[You and... that damn strong human, both of you could hear my voice.]

"Kengo, huh... I thought as much."

[I noticed. There’s a difference between humans who can hear the voice and those who can’t.]

"Huh. Tell me more."

[The ones who smell like beasts.]

What’s that supposed to mean? Is it talking about body odor? If I smell like a beast, that’s your fault.

However, Nyankichi shook its head side to side, its face still sticking out of the bag.

[It’s about the smell, but not exactly like that. I can’t explain it well…]

“The details don’t matter. I’m just glad we can talk like this.”

[It’s not nothing. Are you aware of it?]

"Of what?"

[Right now, you have a really scary look on your face. Like a beast about to hunt its prey.]


[Humans don’t usually make that face. ‘Ritsuka’—]

"Nyankichi. Stay here. If anything happens, just run away right away."

I set the bag on the ground, took out Saika Saiten, and equipped it.

I couldn’t meet Kengo while carrying Nyankichi. Cats, even though they’re cats, have a sensitive understanding of humans as animals. We humans say that cats bring comfort, but in turn, cats are also keenly observing us. So, what Nyankichi was saying was likely the truth.

Even so—I couldn’t afford to listen to it right now.

[...I won’t run. Just hurry back together.]

“Yeah. I’ll be back soon.”

I entered the scrapyard. Most of the machinery had already been removed, leaving the place empty.

It was already just before dusk. The building had no electricity, so it was dim inside. Only the broken window glass and the light filtering in from the cracked ceiling illuminated the interior faintly.

"...You're late. I was wondering what I’d do if you didn’t show up before sunset."

"Sorry, but I’m not exactly free. Unlike you—Kengo."

Kengo, sitting on an overturned drum, had been waiting for me. Knowing him, he must have sensed my presence the moment I entered the premises.

While cracking a casual joke, I scanned the area. Ritsuka was—

"The 'White Magic' is over there. She’s just unconscious, no serious injuries."

—I spotted Ritsuka, bound haphazardly with wire to a steel pillar. Nearby was Hibari, its blade drawn. Perhaps they had fought here as well.

"That's surprising. I thought you'd have hurt her more."

"She's not worth it. Hey, Rouji, who is this woman?"

"...She’s my wife. You must have already figured that out."

"That's not what I mean. Why doesn’t this woman use her Blessing?"

"...? What do you mean?"

Blessings aren’t something that just disappear with time. They likely stay with the owner until death. So, Ritsuka should still be able to use her Blessing... Falling snowflakes.

Normally, she wouldn't need to, but in an emergency, there should be no hesitation in using it to protect herself.

"Not once did this woman use her Blessing in combat with me. It's pretty boring."


"But—looks like you don’t know the reason behind it. Well, that’s fine."

Now that I think about it, that’s true. Since the day I married Ritsuka until now, I’ve never seen her use Blessing. Back when we first started dating, she used it from time to time.

Somehow, over time, it seemed like it had disappeared, as if she couldn’t use it anymore.

Even when we were watching the amateur baseball game before, it was the same. When the ball came flying, Ritsuka didn’t dodge it faster than anyone; instead, gravel would automatically intercept it. It was a troublesome ability, one that should have been useful.

"If you’ve come, then that’s good enough."

I should put off thinking about this for now. Slowly, Kengo stood up.

"Wait. Why are you doing this? At least tell me your reason."

"──For us, fighting is everything. That’s where there’s meaning, value, and purpose."

Kengo took a step forward, closing the distance between us. I had no choice but to face him.

"What about you, Rouji? Ten years since the organization was dismantled—didn’t you feel suffocated?"


"Too slow."

Kengo’s massive body sank, and in a single step, he closed the gap between us completely.

My entire body burned with an intense sensation. The murderous intent pierced through me. Instinctively, I raised my right arm, using Saika Saiten to guard my face, and at the same moment, Kengo’s fist slammed into it.

The sound that followed wasn’t something a human’s body could make when striking metal. The sheer strength of the blow didn’t just lift me off the ground, but sent me crashing straight into the wall.

"When I saw you the other day in the city, I was shocked. It was an intense sense of discomfort. To see Feather Hunter shrinking down to fit in with common folk. To see a wolf bowing its head to a rabbit! It made me shake with anger—I even thought about killing you right then and there!"

"...That time…"

When I was having lunch outside with Ikoma-san, I felt an overwhelming murderous intent. I had thought it was Ritsuka’s, but I was wrong. That murderous aura came from Kengo.

"That’s not it, Rouji! All we have is fighting! You should understand that! You, who fought by my side!"

"So, you attacked Ritsuka and me because you wanted a fight?"

"Exactly. We’re strong. And because we’re strong, there aren’t many people who can satisfy us."

That’s a shitty reason. It’s hard to imagine this kind of thinking coming from Kengo ten years ago.

But... it’s been ten years. That’s more than enough time for a person to change.

I wasn’t particularly loyal to the Shishima Organization. It was simply the only place I had at the time. My days were just about following orders, one after another. So when the organization was dismantled, I didn’t feel much of anything. It was just time to think about how I should live from here on out.

Kengo was different. Like me, he had no other place to belong. But unlike me, he loved the organization... and the people in it. I was a twisted, cynical kid, so I never called the other members my comrades. Kengo did—he had attachment to them.

In other words, for Kengo, the Shishima Organization was his only place. It was where he could make the most of his abilities, and it was the home of the people he was meant to protect. I had indirectly taken that away from him.

So now, if Kengo is here, rampaging without direction, the responsibility for it... it lies with me, doesn’t it?

"Come at me with the intent to kill, Rouji. Otherwise, you’ll die."

"I don’t need you to tell me that—I won’t be satisfied until I knock you out."

Regardless of Kengo’s reasons, he owes Ritsuka for what he did to her. But to make him pay for that properly, I’m not enough right now. To fill the gap created by the ten years we’ve spent apart, I need to change something in myself.

I need to change my mindset. I need to fill my head with the smoke of battle. Who was I?

"I am a Feather Hunter—the one who hunts Mark-Bearers."

The active functions of Saika Saiten are three: steel wire injection, fist thrusts, and shock. Everything else is down due to age and poor maintenance. I fired the steel wire injection located in the wrist section, wrapping it around an empty drum can.

"Ah, how nostalgic, Saika Saiten!"

Kengo exclaimed with joy. I slammed the drum can directly into him.

His BlessingGuardian King Nio, hardens his body. A drum can like that would probably feel like a sponge to him. In fact, Kengo doesn’t even attempt to evade or block the attack. But that was fine with me. That move was just a test of the steel wire injection and a distraction.

I quickly charged toward Kengo. Without a gun, close combat is my main offensive option.

"You want to fight me?! Fine, I’ll take you on!!"


Kengo’s size and strength far surpass mine. Back then, I had the upper hand in technique, but now I would probably be no match for him. Thus, fighting him head-on would be nothing short of suicidal.

Even so, I kicked him in the temple.

(...Damn, it’d be easier to kick a statue.)

"How about I kick you hard enough to snap your neck!!"

Shouting angrily, Kengo swung his fist down with full force. I blocked it with my right arm.

Heavy. Hard. If I took that with my bare body, the part I blocked would be destroyed. Without Saika Saiten, there’s no point in defending. Kengo’s Guardian King Nio, which doesn’t let bullets or blades through, is a simple but powerful Blessing. Ten years ago, I never imagined it would be this much of a threat if we fought seriously.

"Yeah, I’ll snap you in half."

Kengo’s dominant arm is his right, and the fist he just brought down was from the same side.

I thrust a pen I had hidden in my left hand into the crook of Kengo’s right elbow with all my might.

The drum can was just a distraction. It was for setting up the pen in my hand.


Guardian King Nio hardens the entire body, but it’s clear that if the entire body were hardened, movement would be impossible. That’s why the joints maintain a certain level of flexibility. Moreover, due to the effects of past battles, Kengo has had his right elbow and left knee joints replaced with prosthetics. In other words, those are clear weaknesses.

"You remember... my—"


I bent my posture as low as possible, tightly clenching my right hand. Then, the fist thrust extended from the knuckle area. The next part I would strike was decided: Kengo’s left knee.

The fist thrust did indeed hit Kengo’s left knee. However, as expected, Kengo had anticipated it, and he jumped far back to evade the impact. I had intended to break his knee, but that was not going to happen now.

"Just as I predicted."

I muttered quietly. Kengo’s actions just now were exactly what I had thought he would do. He hated being struck at his weakness, so he had no choice but to jump back. In that case, I would pursue him even further.

The arm of Saika Saiten powered up with a sharp clank. Parts extended from the elbow, preparing for a shockwave. With this, if I hit him hard, the parts would retract like a pile driver upon contact, sending shockwaves through his body, destroying him inside and out.

"This is the end, Kengo."

In time with his leap, I too pushed off the ground and jumped forward. My target was Kengo’s forehead. Guardian King Nio couldn’t harden the brain. So, by delivering a powerful shock to his head, I could render him incapable of fighting.

Kagoon! A deafening sound reverberated, and I staggered back from the recoil.

A burned mark was left on Kengo's forehead, and he collapsed on his back in a spread-eagle position.

"Ha... ha ha ha...!"

He was laughing. Kengo was still conscious. Ten years ago, at the peak of my power, I would have been certain of victory with that blow. But the long break in our battle had kept him conscious, and I couldn’t finish him off.

Without hesitation, I jumped again, this time stomping directly on Kengo’s face.

"You’re strong. You’re not rusty at all. Ah—what a good face, Wolf Soldier."


For an ordinary human, that would have been a fatal blow. But Kengo is no ordinary human. With his Blessing and neck muscles alone, he was able to absorb the full force of my stomp with his face.

"It’s fun, isn’t it? Fighting with everything you’ve got. Hey, Wolf Soldier... hasn’t it been tough for you? All this time."

Pursuing him any further would be dangerous. I judged it was time to retreat, so I jumped back and distanced myself from the fallen Kengo.

Slowly, Kengo rose to his feet. There was no sign of wavering in his fighting spirit. So I—

"Let’s stop pretending, shall we? If there were a mirror, I’d show you."


"Right now, you're shining."

—And I smiled, lifting the corner of my mouth, fully aware of it myself.


A rough, warm sensation kept touching my face.

It was oddly comforting, and eventually, I woke up.

"...! Nyankichi?"


"Why are you here—ouch."

That suspicious person had dragged me here against my will, and after I tried resisting again but failed, somehow... Nyankichi was licking my face. My body had been struck, but it wasn’t anything serious. It was more that the wire had gotten caught on my body and caused some pain.


Nyankichi’s tail moved. Looking at the end of it—

"... Rou-kun..."

—My beloved was fighting.

Questions like Why did you come here? or You came to rescue me? didn’t cross my mind first.


Before anything else, I whispered that.

Rou-kun... loves to fight. He probably doesn’t even realize it.

Or maybe, he pretends not to realize it, and has been deceiving himself all this time.

Because it’s true, right? He has the power to fight, so it makes sense that he’d find comfort in a place where he can use that power. Just like how baseball players shine on the field and soccer players shine on the pitch, Rou-kun shines on the battlefield.

"But... it’s no good."

When we decided to live together, we chose to leave behind the path of fighting. We decided to stay out of the spotlight because I wanted to keep Rou-kun as far from fighting as possible.

...No, that’s not quite right. There’s no life where you can live without fighting.

Of course, we should avoid unnecessary battles, but there will definitely be times when we must fight.

So, we didn’t leave it behind. We found what we were missing, together.

I, for myself.

Rou-kun, for someone else.

That’s the kind of fighting I was willing to accept, and that’s what we decided.

"But don’t make that face..."

Now, I finally understand the thoughts of Heaven’s Armor. This person must be lonely. They want Rou-kun to come back. At the same time, they have the conviction that he will return.

And Rou-kun is responding to that. For Heaven’s Armor, the goal is the means, and the means are the goal.

"Nyankichi, I’m sorry. Could you somehow bring that sword over here...?"

If that’s the case, there’s only one thing I can do.

But this wire is in the way, and I can’t move. To cut it off, I need Hibari, but it’s lying a little farther away. I asked Nyankichi to bring it, but... Hibari is too heavy for anyone but me to use. Nyankichi carrying it is impossible—


—But then, Nyankichi brought Hibari over to me, as if he were carrying a toy. Come to think of it, Hibari was a mysterious sword. Yes, that’s right.

"Rou-kun, wait for me. I’ll be there soon—"

Gripping Hibari, I forced it against the wire.

"—I’m going to scold you for this."

I've always struggled with it. Thinking of something from scratch on my own.

That's why I was obedient. To orders, instructions, and whatever was given to me.

On the other hand, once you become an adult, you can't keep doing that forever.

You have to think for yourself, think, think, and think again. Move, move, think, think...

Over and over, I kept repeating it, and I feel like I've changed in my own way compared to the past.

Still... following something is easy. In the end, I still rely on that.

I can do tasks assigned to me efficiently, but I'm bad at coming up with or suggesting ideas on my own.

It's natural to follow a recipe when cooking, but impossible to make my own variations.

It's fun to build a model according to a blueprint, but once it’s done, I lose interest.



Even so, there’s one thing I can proudly say I’m good at.

—Fighting. On the battlefield, especially in battles against Marked Ones, I’m skilled at mobilizing all my knowledge, memories, and techniques to find a way out. There are no restrictions there.

All I need is the order to "fight," and after that, how I fight is up to me.

"Hit me harder, Rouji!!"


And, honestly, I’ve just realized that this is probably the thing I enjoy the most.


I laugh aloud, finally realizing it after ten long years.

"Hehehe... HAHHAHAHA!!"

In response, Kengo also laughs loudly. Ten years ago, we never laughed like this together.

Ah, that’s right. Fighting is fun. It’s fun to run wild, acting purely on instinct, without thinking. And I have the talent for it. How could I feel uncomfortable in a place where my talents shine?

This society is crap. Every day, I work until the sun sets, get scolded by my boss, pushed around by my juniors, and lower my head to clients when I don’t want to. The rewards? A paycheck that barely covers a few luxuries. What’s that supposed to mean? Is that all my value is worth?



Kengo’s fist strikes my stomach. At the same time, my right fist lands on Kengo’s chin.

I can't win by just exchanging blows directly. But Kengo has clear weaknesses.

I have to keep thinking about how to move while guarding those weaknesses.

Thus, a battle of wits emerges. Kengo, you're not good at this kind of strategic play, are you?


I deliberately let my fist miss. Fortunately, there’s plenty of scrap around here.

I pull a rusty iron pipe with the steel wire and slam it into Kengo’s left knee. He flinches in pain, and I drive another shockwave into his side!


This time, Kengo’s body is lifted off the ground and blown away. A crack runs through Saika Saiten’s frame, and the joints squeal. If I use the shock again, I’m sure this thing will break.

It’s enough. One more hit, and I can finish Kengo off.

"I finally understand it too. The feeling that makes you want to rampage."

"Right...? No matter how many small fries you crush, you can’t laugh from it!!"

Breathing heavily, Kengo shows his teeth and laughs. I wipe the blood from the corner of my mouth with the back of my left hand. This kind of bloodshed wouldn’t happen in my current life. The worst I’d get these days is vomiting blood from stomach polyps or having blood-stained stools from stress destroying my intestines.



He came all this way to meet me. If that’s the case, it’s only right to give him a proper response.

So come at me with the intent to kill, Kengo. Otherwise—

"Get over here──────────!!"


Something covered my face.

It was warm, soft, and a bit beastly in scent... along with the usual fabric softener smell.


[...I feel like I'm about to pee…]


[I can't hold it anymore... Seriously, it's coming, it’s coming!! Your face feels just like the usual sand... Ah, ah, it's almost there, almost there...!!]

I tried to peel Nyankichi off my face, but it clung to my shoulders with its claws dug in. Why was it resisting?

"Nyankichi, that's enough."

[Huh? Well, I’ll let you off with just this much this time.]

Nyankichi leaped off my face and, leaving those words behind, ran off to a shadowy corner. It seemed like it really had to pee. What a cat...

I took a moment to steady my breath—only to find Ritsuka, frowning, right in front of me.


"Rou-kun, what exactly did you come here to do?"

"Huh? Well, of course, I came to help you—"

"You're lying. You totally forgot about that halfway, right? I can tell by looking at your face. Besides, even without your help, I’ve already managed to escape like this~."

This was... the version of Ritsuka who was pouting a little. She was right, though; she had been tied up by wires earlier, and the fact that she’d managed to escape on her own made everything she said true.

"I... I was—"

"White Sorcerer!! Don’t get in the way!!"

"Shut up!! We’re talking here, so be quiet!! Rou-kun’s handling the big guy!! This... big person!!"

"!? "

Ritsuka yelled back at Kengo. It seemed like she was about to insult him, but couldn’t quite find the right words, so she ended up just stating the truth. But it seemed effective because Kengo went silent.

"Ritsuka... I really..."

"Yeah. You came to help, right? But while you were fighting the big guy, you got caught up in it and thought, ‘Ah, fighting is so much fun,’ right? I get it, I understand~."

I couldn’t find the words. I had completely lost sight of my purpose, and on top of that, I was foolishly enjoying the fight. More than that—Ritsuka had seen through every single one of my pathetic sides.

"...Yeah. You’re right. I forgot about you and started enjoying the fight... that’s so stupid. I’m sorry, Ritsuka. I won’t do something like this again..."

What was I even trying to become? I got carried away by momentary pleasure and just kept going—

"Huh? It’s fine, isn’t it, as long as you’re having fun? It’s just like your hobby, right, Rou-kun? Fighting seriously with a Blessed person like that. So if that’s the case, then it’s fine!"


"We should respect each other’s hobbies. If you can’t enjoy fighting, then you should just stop. I’m not saying I’m against fighting, though."


Before I could ask what she was angry about, Ritsuka pinched my cheek with both hands.

"—It’s not okay to fight without a reason."

Fighting for your own convenience, for your own pleasure—it's nothing but causing a ruckus.

...Like me, or Kengo, when we were like children who had their favorite toys taken away.

"Rou-kun, can I ask you again what you came here to do?"

Ritsuka stopped pinching my cheek and gently placed her hands on both sides of my face.

I wasn’t allowed to look away from her eyes. I faced her directly and said it clearly.

"I came to save Ritsuka—my beloved wife."

That was it. That should have been my entire reason. Though a fool wouldn’t understand something so simple.

"Hmm... 50 points!!"

But it seemed that wasn't the perfect answer in Ritsuka’s eyes, and I was taken aback.

"50 points...?"

"Yep. Hey, Rou-kun. What kind of person is that big guy to you?"

"Huh? Kengo is part of the Shishima Organization—"

"Wrong!! He’s your friend, isn’t he!?"

Friend. The word felt like I was hearing it for the first time. It’s not like I had never had someone I could call a friend. It’s just that I never saw people in the organization—especially Kengo—as friends.

But it sank in suddenly. I was Kengo’s friend.

"If a friend is doing something wrong, isn’t it true friendship to set them right? I want to help both my friends and you, too!"

"Help Kengo...?"

"You’re the kind of person who can do that, Rou-kun. Help that lonely person."

With a gentle voice, Ritsuka said this and kissed me softly on the lips.

She then took my hand and placed something in it.


"Use it. I think Hibari will only feel light when it’s in the hands of the person who’s supposed to use it."

The Hibari I had once struggled to lift was now as light as a cloud. Just like when I had slain the Holy Maiden. Therefore, Ritsuka’s insight, as the wielder, seemed to be spot on.

I hugged Ritsuka lightly with my right arm. It might have been a little rough and painful, but I held her close.

"...I’m glad I married you, Ritsuka."

"Yeah, me too. So don’t forget... our place to return to isn’t the battlefield."

Someone who truly understands someone like me—someone who would never be understood by most.

Or perhaps, someone who faces me head-on, trying to understand me.

That’s why I love Ritsuka. She’s the one person I want to spend my life with.

"Sorry for making you wait. Shall we continue...?"

"A nauseating farce...!! Don’t you realize it, WOLF Soldier...!!"

"What do you mean?"

"That’s just licking each other’s wounds!! You and White Sorcerer are only together because you had nowhere else to go, and your interests aligned!! That soft, spoiled relationship is what’s dulling your claws! Wake up, Wolf Soldier!! Return to the face you had earlier!!"

I see. This guy... he’s never had a girlfriend, has he? I figured it out in an instant.

So, as someone who’s just a little further ahead than Kengo, I declared it with certainty.

"You don’t get it, Kengo. I could never do something as disgusting as licking someone else’s wounds. But the moment I want to do that... that’s already love."

"—Kōgo Nioh"

To respond with the name of his ability—that was quite literally serious.

Uttering that name was the key to fully unleashing his ability for those with the Cursed Mark. Dark red lines surged across Kengo’s face. His blood vessels, abnormally hardened, seemed to bulge, creating the appearance of these lines.

I slowly adjusted my grip on Hibari with both hands. In this state, Kengo couldn’t fight for long. His body would be under immense strain. To avoid that, I needed to take him down quickly.

"I!! For the last ten years, nothing has been fulfilled!! The only thing I understood was that I no longer have a purpose or a reason to live!! The only thing we have left is fighting!!"

"Don’t make assumptions. I’m not like you. Hey, Kengo."

I had no way of knowing what had happened to Kengo over the past decade.

Of course not. We hadn’t been sitting leisurely drinking coffee and talking.

But there was one thing I could say. Kengo’s troubles and suffering—

"Quit being childish."

—That’s how I would put it.

"Childish... childish, you say? Are you really saying that to me, Wolf Soldier!?"

"Of course I am! Hey, Kengo, are you paying for it!"

"Paying for what!!"

"Electricity, water, gas, rent, student loans, resident tax, social insurance, national pension, welfare pension, and all the other expenses!! Are you paying for them properly!?"

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about—"

"If you don’t get it, then you’re being childish!!"

I deflected Kengo’s punch with the blade of Hibari. Shouting loudly, I counterattacked, leaving shallow cuts across Kengo’s body. Even beyond Kengo’s ability, Hibari sliced through him, its thin blade still cutting cleanly.

"So in the end, it’s all about money!? What a trivial way of thinking!!"

"Money’s necessary for living, damn it! And now that I’m married, it’s even more important!! Most people living in this country are just regular people! Me and you—no different!!"

"No!! We are far superior!! We don’t fit in mere frameworks!!"

"When are you going to stop acting like a pompous middle schooler!? We’re not superior, we’re inferior to others!! Our bodies are stiff, and your brain’s just as rigid!!"

"Shut up!! I’ll kill you!!"

"Go ahead, idiot!!"

"Such a childish argument…"

Ritsuka’s voice came from behind, full of exasperation. But even so, Kengo’s attacks were vicious. This was far beyond the realm of a mere argument.

"Don’t deceive yourself!! I’m Tengai and you’re just wolf!!"

"Deceive myself…? No way!!"

I barely dodged Kengo’s strike. Taking a few steps back, I fired a wire toward the ceiling. Wrapping it around one of the beams, I quickly reeled it in, lifting myself into the air.

"I am Saigawa Rouji!! Part of the Planning and Development Department of Banda Manufacturing Co., Ltd. No position!!"


Seeing my first vertical move, Kengo hesitated for a moment. I severed the wire with Hibari, reversed the blade to face the back, and dropped, immediately taking an upper stance as I fell.

"And I am the husband of Saigawa Ritsuka!! You—"

With all my strength, I slammed Hibari down. Kengo blocked with both arms. Cracks ran through Kengo’s body and Hibari’s blade. The first to break was Hibari itself. The blade snapped off from the base, and the pieces vanished, scattering somewhere in the processing area.

I landed and discarded the remaining hilt of Hibari. Kengo’s elbow seemed to have been wrecked by the previous strike, and he couldn’t move immediately. His side was wide open. I took a step forward and drew my right hand like a bow.

"We’re just friends!!"

I struck with all my force. This time, Saika Saiken warped, and pieces of it began to fall off one by one.

However—at the same time, Kengo collapsed to both knees, crumbling where he stood.

Like the retreating tide, the hardening of Kengo’s entire body was undone.

"…Where did you learn those words?"

"I just learned them. From my wife."

When I honestly said that, Kengo let out a weak, resigned laugh. It was probably the only thing he could do after being called a friend for the first time in ten years and then getting beaten up.

"You’ve changed… Rouji. Truly… you’ve changed."

"I have changed. But there are parts of me that haven’t, and I realized that because of you."

"I… I can’t change. The only way I can find myself is through fighting… You, you must have… become able to live without fighting. I just can’t accept that…"

"That’s not true, Kengo. I’m still fighting."

I threw aside the battered Saika Saiken and squatted down, meeting Kengo’s gaze.

"Actually, most people are fighting every day. At school, at part-time jobs, at the office… just to live ‘normally.’ So you’re wrong, Kengo. Fighting however you want, however you please, is actually just a form of selfishness—those who are truly ‘fighting’ are the ones who constantly suppress themselves."

"Are you… like that, Rouji?"

"Of course I am. Every day, it’s painful enough to want to throw up. That’s why when we fought earlier, I ended up laughing without meaning to. Honestly, it was quite fun. But I also understood that it wasn’t enough."

I now understood the words the department head had said. He had intentionally referred to those of us who didn’t fit into the ‘normal’ framework as the ‘wind.’ He never said to become ‘fish.’ The ‘wind’ exists because it harmonizes without forcing itself into a particular form. It meant we needed to discipline ourselves, and that’s what I think it was all about.

Therefore, what Kengo needed moving forward was—another type of ‘battle.’

"Hey, Kengo. I don’t know how you’ve spent these past ten years, but… starting tomorrow, try living ‘normally.’ It’s probably going to be a lot harder and more painful a ‘battle’ than you think."

"…What if I say I don’t want to?"

"I’ll tell you again to stop being selfish. But even then, I’ll think about what I can do for you. Anyway—running away from ‘fighting’ like a coward is not the Kengo I know."

There was no happy ending for us that could be summed up with a ‘happily ever after.’ Until the day we die, we’ll continue fighting every day to live. ‘Combat’ and ‘fighting’ are two entirely different things. Kengo needs to understand the latter and, from there, find his own path. As a friend, all I can do is help him with that.

"Even so, if you want to go wild again, I’ll beat you down and lock you up this time."

"Rouji… I—"

"Rou-kun, watch out!"


Suddenly, Ritsuka leapt out, scooping me up and flying into the air.

Just after, the ceiling collapsed, and something huge—no, a ridiculously large Clay acorn—came crashing down.


Ah… Kengo got crushed.

"Ritsuka!! Are you okay!? Your big brother’s come to save you!!"

From the Clay acorn, my brother-in-law leaped down, landing gracefully.

"Brother… why…?"

"Well, when your cute little sister’s in danger, I’ll come running from anywhere on Earth! Now, where’s the idiot who laid a hand on Ritsu!? Hey, little brother-in-law, if you're okay, help me look for him!"

"Look for him? You just crushed him, didn’t you?"

"Seriously? That’s a huge win!"

My brother-in-law was ridiculously energetic. And yet, I was impressed that he’d figured out where we were.


"Huh…? Boss?"

This time, the department head appeared at the entrance of the processing plant. What in the world was going on now?

Noticing that both Ritsuka and I were staring in confusion, the department head quickly explained.

"Kurei-san was suspicious that you weren’t at the meeting. I tried to cover for you, but he threatened to cancel the contract if I didn’t tell the truth... As a result, I ended up saying, ‘What kind of nonsense is this, we’re not here for a meeting!’ and came here with you two to back you up. Unbelievable… as a working adult, this is just absurd."

"How did you even find this place? I didn’t tell you anything."

"Our company cars are equipped with GPS. It's to monitor if employees are slacking off when they’re out. So, no matter where you were headed, I made sure to track you from the start."

"Oh, I see... So you were always planning on coming to back me up, weren’t you, boss?"

Before I could finish, I was about to ask if the department head had originally intended to come help, but he walked over to where Kengo was still collapsed. My brother-in-law was also closing in on Kengo.

"What an old familiar face... Tengai. Just so you know, my Shinshōchima and I are perfectly compatible, yeah? Don’t bother resisting. I’ll beat you up until it changes form!"

"Kurei-san, leave this to me. Seriously. You’re just in the way. Get lost."

"Brother, Kengo doesn’t want to fight anymore..."

"Brother! Go home!"

"What’s with all of you ganging up on me…? This is harsh..."

My brother-in-law, looking a bit down, shrank the ridiculously large Clay acorn he was holding. He then walked up to Nyankichi, saying, "The only one who understands my feelings is Kurobee," but was immediately met with a threatening hiss.

Kengo, completely knocked out, seemed to still be conscious, as he lay on the ground and looked up at the department head.


"It’s been a while, Kengo. Have you lost weight? Dieting doesn't really suit you."

"...I... I..."

"Don’t worry about it. There’s a lot to catch up on. We both have ten years' worth of topics to cover, and one night won’t be enough."

"I… I…!"

"That's fine, Kengo. Come on, get up."

The department head muttered, then helped Kengo to his feet, supporting him by the shoulder. Together, they began walking toward the entrance.

"Rouji. I’ve told the company that it’s a family emergency. You can go home with your wife in the company car today. You can take tomorrow off too. Just make sure to come back to work the day after, and bring the car with you."

"But... what about Kengo?"

"Leave him with me for a while. I also… have things I want to discuss with him. More than you do."

Maybe the department head had regrets too. Now that I thought about it, why had he been gathering information on Kengo

 all this time? Was it because he wanted to meet Kengo again?

I didn’t know the full truth, but I silently nodded. Right now, it seemed like the best decision.

"Ah, I’ll head back with the old man and Tenga. I know how to read the atmosphere, right?"

"You're saying it yourself?"

"Hahaha... Thanks."

The three of them quickly left. Even though their timing was a bit late, Kengo’s defeat was inevitable. Kengo was strong against my and Ritsuka’s Blessing as a non-ability user, but on the other hand, he had bad compatibility with my brother-in-law’s Blessing.

"...Right. Blessing... Ritsuka, why didn’t you use your Blessing?"

"Hmm... I’ll explain later. But more importantly, should we head home?"

Nyankichi said, [I’m tired. I’m hungry. I’ve let out what I needed to…]

Ritsuka, holding Nyankichi, deflected my question. But it was true that we wanted to head home. I was really tired, and more importantly, I’d suffered a minor injury. It didn’t seem like just a light bruise...

I picked up the broken Hibari and the shattered Saika Saiken.

With that, the three of us—plus one cat—headed back to the car. Honestly, having a car at times like this was really convenient.

"Rou-kun, how much do you know about my Falling snowflakes Blessing?"

"That you can control ice freely, which is a troublesome and incredibly powerful Blessing."

On our way home, Ritsuka asked me this question from the passenger seat. In the back seat, Nyankichi was sleeping with its belly up. The sun had already set, and I was driving along a quiet road, sticking to the speed limit.

I thought back to Ritsuka's Blessing. My experiences with it were mostly painful ones. Ritsuka was already skilled in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, but it was her Blessing that made her truly formidable.

"So, what about the 'cost'?"

"Ah... It’s her body temperature, I think."

Because she controls ice, Ritsuka loses her body heat as the price. If the fight goes on too long, she risks hypothermia. That's why Ritsuka can’t continue fighting for extended periods. That’s the key to overcoming her.

"Next, what about my 'forced collection'?"


I hesitated. I couldn’t come up with an answer. I’d seen Ritsuka fight with all her might before, but I didn’t know what she had "forced" herself to collect during those times.

"...I guess you don’t know after all. Well, I never told you."


"No, no, it’s fine. I didn’t really want to talk about it."

"Then you don’t have to—"

"No, I’ll tell you. The answer is, 'strong emotions'!"

"Strong emotions...? What does that mean?"

"Basically, if my body can’t cool down any further, I freeze my emotions instead. Back then, I didn’t really think much of it. I figured that the cold emotions wouldn’t be gone forever."

But, Ritsuka continued, and I glanced at the rearview mirror. There were no other cars in sight.

"My strongest emotion inside me has already changed."

I kept my eyes on the road as Ritsuka watched my profile.

"My feelings for you, Rou-kun. Isn’t it ridiculous to think that those could be taken away because of overusing my power? So after we got married, I decided never to use it again."

If she were to have her emotions "frozen" by her Blessing, Ritsuka would lose her love for me first.

Back when we were dating, she still used her Blessing, but after we married, she never used it again. It was because she feared what would happen. For my sake, Ritsuka restrained herself.

"But if you use it just a little, it only lowers your body temperature, right?"

"I still won’t use it. That’s just half-hearted. I want to keep loving you, Rou-kun, forever. Even if I end up hating you, I don’t want to blame it on my Blessing. Love is, at its core, meant to be something only for oneself. But it becomes sacred when you give it to someone else."

That was Ritsuka’s philosophy. The possibility that she might end up disliking me was painful, but she didn’t want anyone, not even her abilities, to interfere with her love for me.

I understood, but at the same time, I knew that Ritsuka was much more mature than I was. She had a firm sense of self.

However, I also had my own thoughts. Respecting someone isn’t just about unconditionally agreeing with everything they say.

"This time, the enemy was Kengo, and the goal was me, so your Blessing didn’t affect you. But in the future, something could happen to you. If that happens, I want you to stay safe, Ritsuka. So... I don’t think you should give up the ability to protect yourself. Actually, no... To be more honest, I’m just scared of you getting hurt. If you have to, please use your Blessing."

I’ll be by your side, protecting you. Saying that out loud is easy, but in reality, it’s not. I go to work on weekdays, and I’m not always by Ritsuka’s side.

"...Our opinions really don’t align, do they?"

"It’s not that bad."

I stepped on the brakes. The light was red. Even though there were no other cars, I needed to stop for a bit.

I reached my left arm around Ritsuka’s shoulder. Leaning slightly out of the driver’s seat, I pulled her into an embrace.

I pressed my lips to hers.

How much longer until the light changes? I didn’t care.


I pulled away from the kiss. Even in the dim light of the car, it was clear that Ritsuka’s face was bright red.

"Y-You’re getting bold all of a sudden, Rou-kun..."

"—If your body’s cold, I’ll hold you to warm you up. If your emotions... your love are taken away, I’ll give you back a hundred times what you lost. My love belongs to me and to you, Ritsuka. So please promise me one thing: If the time comes when you must use your Blessing, please don’t hesitate."

If you don’t want to use it, that’s fine. But if the time comes when you need to, I want you to use it.

The only thing I can do is love you, Ritsuka, and make sure you know that even if you lose some of that love, it’s no problem at all.

Ritsuka turned away from me, her face still red. I could tell she was embarrassed.

"I’ll promise, but... Well, you know, this is why I didn’t want to talk about it."

"Why’s that?"

"Because once we start, we can’t stop... from now on... for both of us..."

"Is that so? Well... humans are different from cars, after all."

The light had already turned green. If there had been a car behind us, they would’ve honked by now.

I slowly pressed the accelerator. I kept my eyes on the road, but whispered just loud enough to be heard.

Even without saying it out loud, I knew it would get across, but I still wanted to say it.

"Ritsuka. I love you."

"...I love you too."

[You two are so sweet. Go ahead, do it—]

"I love you too, Nyankichi!!"


[Wh-what's going on all of a sudden?!]

"Well, just because."

I should make one thing clear. My love isn't just for Ritsuka and me, it's also for our family... even Nyankichi.

I believe love is something that grows and spreads out like that. Normally, love is like the wind.
