
[ENG] Soshiki no Shukuteki to Kekkon Shitara Mecha Amai V1 Interlude 7

 Interulde 7

At the summit of the crumbling tower, White Witch—Ritsuka Yanagi—gazed into the distance.

How high was she standing right now? Beyond the thin veil of darkness, the horizon and the sea melded together. If she reached for the sky, she might just be able to grasp the clouds.

"I’m giving it back."

A curt voice cut through the silence, and Ritsuka turned toward it. Other than herself, only one other person stood at this peak—Feather Hunter, Rouji Saigawa, battered and worn.

In his hand, he held a katana—Hibari, a blade forged for the White Witch.

“...It’s over. Everything.”

“No. We ended it.”

“The Holy Maiden… she—”

“I cut her down. I killed her.”

The complete manifestation of the Holy Maiden of Wet Feathers. It had taken place on this isolated, godforsaken island, atop this very tower of rubble. Here, the Organization and the Shishima Institute had fought their final battle—and in the end, Rouji and Ritsuka had chosen to destroy the Holy Maiden of Wet Feathers.

“She had no place in this world. You know that as well as I do.”

“…Yeah. But I don’t know if what we did was right.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Because it was the only choice he could make. The Feather Hunter, ever obedient to his orders, had defied them for the first and last time—without a second thought for what came after.

There was still time before the rescue teams arrived. Ritsuka sank to the ground, exhausted. Beside her, Rouji sat down as well.

“…My ‘wish’ was to bring my little sister back to life.”

“Was it?”

He had lost her in childhood. But there had been a way—a chance to bring her back. For that possibility alone, Rouji had shed blood, again and again. It was his reason to live, the only thing that had ever mattered to him.

“The Holy Maiden granted my wish. She resurrected my sister—as a twelve-year-old.”

“But… your sister passed away when she was…”

“She was five. She never had the chance to grow. But the Holy Maiden didn’t care. I’m sixteen, so my sister should be twelve. That’s just how it was. Even though that shouldn’t have been possible.”

With ease, the Holy Maiden of Wet Feathers had plucked a soul from death, filling in the missing years as if they had always been there.

His sister had looked at him with knowing eyes, called him Onii-chan—not with the lisp of a child, but with the voice she might have had if she had lived. Exactly as he had imagined in his dreams.

“To her, humans are nothing more than insignificant little things.”

A power indistinguishable from that of a god. That was why people revered and worshiped the Holy Maiden of Wet Feathers—why they sought her.

But to Rouji, such power was nothing short of terrifying.

“So I killed her. I couldn’t accept it.”

Even if it meant losing his sister all over again—he had chosen to reject the Holy Maiden.

“If you hate me for it, then take that blade and kill me. I don’t have the strength to resist anymore.”

“I won’t…”

“…I see.”

Silence reigned over the summit. The wind had stilled in the moments before dawn.

“…Why did you fight, White Witch?”

His voice rang clearly in the quiet, sinking deep into her ears.

“…I guess… for someone else’s sake. As long as people needed me to fight, I could.”

“I fought for myself. Until the very end, it was all about me.”

His wish had been selfish, and his final decision had been just as selfish.

Ritsuka, on the other hand, had never fought for herself. She had simply been stronger than most, and if her strength could serve others, then that was reason enough to fight. That had never changed.

“…We’re opposites, aren’t we?”

“Yeah. I never even had a Blessing. A powerless nobody. We couldn’t be more different.”

He ran his left hand over the gauntlet on his right arm—Saika Saiten. A companion he would no longer need. He had ended the very reason he had needed to fight.

With the Holy Maiden of Wet Feathers gone, both the Organization and the Shishima Institute had lost their purpose. It wouldn’t be long before they disbanded.

And when that happened, both Rouji and Ritsuka would return to being ordinary people—just as they had been meant to be.

“What do you think happens to us now?”

“I don’t know… But at least I won’t have to fight you anymore.”

“Gonna miss it?”

“Not at all. Just so you know—I can’t stand you.”

“Guess that’s one thing we agree on. I don’t like you either.”

He almost said, But it won’t matter anymore, now that we don’t have to fight.

But for some reason, he stopped himself.

Instead, Ritsuka spoke.

Feather Hunter. Tell me your name.”

“…Rouji Saigawa.”

“I see. I’m Ritsuka Yanagi.”

They had fought for so long, but only now, at the very end, did they learn each other’s names.

Everyone was born with a name. That much was true for both of them, having lived in the same country.

The horizon began to glow. A soft, golden light bled into the world—dawn was breaking.

Two helicopters cut across the indigo sky, heading straight for them.



Their respective organizations had come for them. As soon as the helicopters touched down, two figures rushed out—Rouji’s superior officer, and Ritsuka’s closest friend.

Slowly, the two of them got to their feet.

“…Thank goodness you’re okay. Really… Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, Yoshino.”

Yoshino exhaled in relief, then pulled Ritsuka into a tight embrace.

“…You did it, didn’t you? You killed the Holy Maiden.”

“I did. Do you resent me for it?”

As a member of the Shishima Institute, his superior must have had his own wish. By killing the Holy Maiden, Rouji had crushed the hopes of everyone in the Institute. If his superior executed him on the spot, he would have no right to complain.

But instead, the man simply shook his head. His eyes held only quiet relief.

“No… I don’t. If you made that choice, then the Holy Maiden was never meant to exist in the first place. Though I’m sure not everyone will see it that way.”

“…I see. What about Kengō? He wasn’t on the same chopper?”

“We’re still looking for him. He got separated in the chaos, but we’ll find him soon enough.”

“Got it. He must be exhausted. Find him fast.”

It was time to go. Time to part ways with the White Witch for good.

Almost in sync, Rouji and Ritsuka turned to face each other.

“…We won’t see each other again. So I’ll say this—Ritsuka Yanagi, you were strong.”

“You too, Rouji Saikawa.”



The last words exchanged between Feather Hunter and White Witch.

The battle was over. The war between the powerless boy and the gifted girl had come to an end. Their story had reached its conclusion.

If one were to put words to it—perhaps it could be called a happy ending.


“Rouji. Life is long. Remember that.”

“I’ve known that for a long time.”

—As long as they lived, their stories would continue.

Neither of them had considered the possibility that, somewhere down the road, fate might bring them together again.

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