
[ENG] Soshiki no Shukuteki to Kekkon Shitara Mecha Amai V2 Chapter 1

 Chapter 1

Saigawa Rouji, 20 years old. He was reasonably intelligent, so he attended a decent university, now in his third year.

If I had to point out something a bit different about him, it would be that he used to belong to an organization called the Shishima Agency, and even though he was an ordinary person without any special abilities, he had fought against superhumans who wielded abnormal powers. Quite the story, huh? Haha~

(No, wait... this is bad... This is beyond embarrassing... I’ll definitely get judged...)

It was already past mid-April when I found myself groaning in my apartment room.

The thing is, this weekend, I'm going to a group date. Of course, it’s my very first one.

Though I often say, "It’s not like I really need a girlfriend," the truth is, I’ve never had a relationship with the opposite sex, and I’ve begun to feel anxiety and inferiority due to my lack of experiences and encounters. That’s when a friend invited me to this group date. It felt like a stroke of luck, like getting a ride on a luxury cruise ship. I quickly decided to seize this perfect opportunity and make my first girlfriend at this group date.

So now, I was desperately thinking of the right words for my self-introduction... but...

(It’s not like I’m lying...)

My name, my university, my grade, and even my past—none of it is a lie.

That's right—I was actually a member of some weird organization, fighting superhumans with abilities that I couldn't even begin to understand. And all that, without any special abilities of my own. In a world where you can search anything on the internet and get an answer, I had been involved in countless life-threatening, otherworldly events that no one else would ever know about.

It’s been a few years since that long battle ended, and I’ve come to understand something.

(When I think about it, I was living in an absurd world back then...)

At the time, I didn’t think much of it. In fact, that absurdity was my reality, so I never had the chance to question it. But as I continue to live this peaceful campus life, I inevitably realize it.

Ordinary students don’t have experiences where their lives were on the line. They’ve never fired real firearms, and they don’t think of special abilities as anything other than fantasy in stories.

Maybe because of that—or maybe it’s just my personality—I don’t have many friends, and that’s why I’ve never even had a girlfriend. And I know people see me as a "failure" because of it.

(But—I’m going to change that. I’m going to change my life at this group date.)

Most of the skills I have now are useless. My shooting and martial arts skills are no good when it comes to making a girl laugh. So, I’ve decided to leave my past behind and live a much happier life than before, starting with this group date.

"You don't have to try so hard," a voice said, sounding exasperated.

I turned towards the voice, and saw a tall, slim, handsome guy standing there.

"Kuyama... Don’t just enter my room without permission."

"Haha. The door was unlocked, so I thought I'd check. Then I saw you making a funny face."

"I wasn’t making a funny face."

"Then, is that your real face?"

"I’ll punch you."

The guy who had been teasing me was Kuyama Reiichi... He was the same age as me, attended the same faculty, and was one of my few friends. He was also the one who invited me to the group date.

"So, what’s with this 'trying too hard' thing? When did I ever try too hard?" I asked.

"Huh? Haha, you want me to spell it out? You were totally making a face that said you were desperately thinking of the perfect self-introduction for this weekend's group date. You’ve got plenty of enthusiasm, huh?"


Being called out on it was worse than being teased about my funny face. I couldn’t retort because he was spot on.

"Ahh, man, you’ve got it easy! You must be so popular, right?!"

Kuyama was, to put it mildly, extremely good-looking. His slender build and sharp features made him a hit with the ladies. His fashion sense was on point, and whenever we walked together on campus, most of the girls would glance back at him. Honestly, he could’ve been a model if he wanted...

"I won't deny I’m popular, but... Could you stop pointing that out? For someone like me, with a fear of women, being popular with the opposite sex feels like a hailstorm of anxiety," he said.

Right. Kuyama had a fear of women. When an opposite-sex person was near him, he couldn’t function properly.

The reason he spent time with someone like me, who was sort of a loner, was probably because he felt at ease around me. He said it was because I didn’t give off any "girly" vibes. I told him to shut up.

"But still, it’s weird that you’d invite me to a group date. Are you sure about this? I don’t think you have to force yourself."

"Thanks for the advice. But, hey, it’s a group date that actually makes sense for me to go to. And since you’re trying so hard to get a girlfriend, it only makes sense that I’d invite you too."

"How does that even make sense... Don’t pity me."

"Haha. Like cures like. You with your can't-get-a-girlfriend disease, and me with my fear-of-women disease."

"That's not even the same kind of illness!"

This was the usual dynamic. When there were no lectures, Kuyama would come over to my room, we’d chat about random things, watch movies he rented, or read manga sets he bought from secondhand bookstores. Our college life was pretty lazy and uneventful, but not bad, really.

That being said, with me lacking experience with women and Kuyama being terrified of them, there might be some problems at the group date. So, I decided to muster up some more energy and think of an amazing self-introduction that would break the ice perfectly.

The group we were having the group date with was apparently a bunch of girls from a women’s university. They weren’t part of any club or circle. The organizer on the guys’ side—someone apparently acquainted with Kuyama—wasn’t part of any organization either, so it was just a simple 6-on-6 group date between university students.

But honestly, I didn’t really care about any of that anymore.

"Yoshino, can I go home now...? My stomach..."

"Uh, we haven’t even started yet, though? Stomachache?"

"...I think I’m just hungry."

"In that case, even more reason for you to stay! We’re about to eat something, okay?!"

"I won’t be able to taste anything in a place like this..."

When I first saw her, I thought she might have been a cosplayer or someone into punk fashion, the kind of look you'd get with wigs or dyed hair. But no. That bright silver hair was clearly her natural color—it shimmered under the dim lights of the izakaya.

I would never forget the image of her, dancing with a white blade in hand, slashing toward me under the gleaming moonlight. I think I felt as much terror as beauty from every strand of her flowing silver hair. I considered everything about her, her presence, her movements, all of it, my nemesis.

And now, here she was, looking like a suspicious person, glancing around and sipping air through a straw!

(Why is she here...?)

Yanagi Ritsuka, the strongest superhuman from the opposing organization known as the Shishima Agency, was here. Her alias was Shiro-ma, the White Sorcerer. The moment I saw her at the group date, I immediately recognized her as the suspicious person. Well, she was hard to forget with that standout appearance.

On the other hand, it seemed Yanagi hadn’t noticed me at first. The last time we saw each other was after the final battle, which was about four years ago. I looked a little different now—probably because I dyed my hair. She likely didn’t recognize me right away.

I was so distracted by Yanagi that I couldn’t even say 1% of the self-introduction I’d carefully prepared. But I did say my name, and that’s when Yanagi finally noticed me.

"Ah...! Aaaahhh...!!"

There was no way she had completely forgotten me—I could confidently say that. Just as she had been my enemy, I was undoubtedly her enemy as well.

(Wait, she’s the kind of person who’d come to a group date...?)

Yanagi, who had already been acting suspicious, became even more so when she realized who I was.

I guess neither of us expected to meet in a place like this. Well, of course not.

"B-b-b-b... I—oh my goooood...! There are just... boobs everywhere!! Nooo!! Please just look at this for now!!"

While I was trapped in some kind of strange tension with Yanagi, Kuyama’s self-introduction was absolutely the worst.

The seating arrangement was such that the guys sat in one row, facing the girls, but Kuyama’s declaration about the "boobs everywhere" was undoubtedly the most courageous statement of the day. On top of that, he casually handed out his business cards to the girls (why does he even have those?) and eventually collapsed, sitting down weakly. I seriously wondered why he even came when he has a fear of women...

From that moment on, I made up my mind to pretend I didn’t know him during the rest of the group date.

"W-w-w-w... N-nagi...! H-hyaaahhh!!"

The sound of ice scattering echoed as chunks of ice were thrown across the row of guys. Yanagi had tossed them during her self-introduction. What was she doing, competing with Kuyama in a "shock factor" contest?

At first glance, it seemed like she had thrown the ice that was in the water I ordered, but it was clearly more ice than that. It almost looked like she had prepared it in her hand from the start.

(Don't use Blessing in a place like this...!!)

The answer was that she had generated it in her hand. At this very moment, Yanagi had used her superhuman ability—her power known as Blessing.

Yanagi Ritsuka was a superhuman who could freely control ice and snow—this was the reason she was called Shiro-ma, the White Sorcerer.

"Hey! Don’t throw ice at all these handsome guys! There’s a time and place for freaking out, okay!? Oh, sorry everyone, this is Yanagi Ritsuka, and I’ll have a proper talk with her...!"

The smart-looking girl wearing glasses, sitting next to Yanagi, scolded her while bowing to the others. This one was definitely the responsible one, as clearly shown by this little exchange.

The group date started off in the most awkward atmosphere imaginable. The male organizer was angry at Kuyama, and the female organizer was glaring at Yanagi. Meanwhile, the two causing the trouble weren’t even apologizing.

"Wh-w-w-w... Why is Feather Hunter... here...?"

The first words Yanagi finally managed to squeeze out were the exact words I wanted to say.

By the way, Feather Hunter was the name I was known by back then. Looking back, it’s kind of embarrassing.

"That’s my line, White Sorcerer. Is this some kind of mission?"

Though I thought it was unlikely, I asked her that with a bit of sarcasm. Just like the Shishima Agency had been dismantled, The Organization was also long gone. Meaning Yanagi was no longer part of those days of fighting.

"M-m-mission...? Yes, it’s a mission...!"

"No way, that’s not possible."

"Yeah, there’s no way it’s a mission. Calling a group date a mission? How desperate are you for men? Oh, by the way, I’m here on a mission☆ Nice to meet you, Saigawa-san!"

To back up Yanagi, the girl named Kitsune-san chimed in. Instinctively, I got the feeling.

(This person... she’s on our side.)

She was one of those from the non-daily world, someone who had been part of The Organization just like Yanagi and me. I had no solid proof, but I was pretty sure about it.

"...You shouldn’t use the nickname White Sorcerer around here. And Ritsuka shouldn’t be using Blessing either. We’re just regular university students now."

Without even having to probe about her loyalties, Kitsune-san quietly advised the two of us. If she didn’t know our background, she wouldn’t be able to say something like that.

So now, the only question left was whether or not this woman also had Blessing...

"See, Saigawa-san? You’re curious about what kind of special ability I have, right? I’ve got the same kind of weird habits as Kitsune-san. Ahaha, we’re quite similar!"

(Did she catch on? It’s hard to believe she can read minds, but...)

"Y-You're wrong... I don't look anything like her...! Yoshino-san, there are things you can and can't say!"

"Is it really that big of a deal?"

What a rude guy... Honestly, there's no harm in being cautious.

Even Yanagi, in the midst of her wandering gaze, was probably trying to figure out if I was carrying any weapons. Well, I wasn’t bringing any weapons to a group date, so it would have been pointless for her to check.

"Anyway, how about we toast to our reunion?"

"Well... I don't mind."

"My glass is empty, though."

"Then let's order something. Ritsuka, you should drink too."

"No, I can't... I'm underage."

"You’re being too stiff—if they don’t check our ages, we’re fine!"


"Wait a second. Hold on, are you two... underage?"

I had fought with Yanagi countless times, but I didn’t know much about her personality.

I knew a bit about her Blessing, but I actually didn’t even know her age.

So when Yanagi said she was "underage," I was seriously shocked.

"Ah, Saigawa-san. Are you really going to bring that up? It’s a little much for a group date..."

"Sh-shut up! I-I’m not getting you arrested, Yoshino!"

"That’s not the issue! How old are you two...?"



So these two were 18. They were still in their first year of university. That made them technically underage for drinking, but that really wasn’t the issue.

What shocked me was that Yanagi was two years younger than me.

Four years ago, when I was 16 and in my second year of high school, fighting against The Organization...

Yanagi had been just 14... a third-year middle school student.

"W-wait, does that mean... I struggled against a middle schooler!?"

I had always assumed Yanagi—White Sorcerer—was around my age, or maybe a little older. She looked so mature, or rather, she was strong enough to easily bend adults around her. Of course, I also had that kind of strength, which is why I thought we were about the same age.

But she was actually... a middle schooler back then? Huh? How could someone that strong have been in middle school?

"Stop lying about your age! You're 20, or maybe a little older!!"

"What the hell is with this guy... he's scary."

"Hmm... I see. Ritsuka, show Saigawa-san your student ID."

"My... personal information..."

"It’s fine. You’re going to see something even more interesting."

With a reluctant expression, Yanagi (who really didn’t have to) showed me her student ID.

Upon checking, there was no doubt... she was 18. That confirmed she had been a middle schooler at the time.

Honestly, I wasn’t on the same level as White Sorcerer. She was stronger than me. I had to use my gear, skills, knowledge, and the environment to manage and hold my own. There were times I even felt a sense of awe, thinking, Is there someone my age this strong?

"I... struggled against a middle school girl... that much!?"

It was a matter of pride. Especially in your teens, even just a year above or below can mean a lot. Everyone has that vague feeling of I won’t lose to someone younger, I don’t want to lose. I wasn’t an exception.

Of course, I knew there were plenty of people younger and stronger than me. I didn’t question that, and I accepted it. But when it came to Shiro-ma, I didn’t want to believe she was younger than me.

Right now, my pride was—crumbling with a loud sound.

"At least if you were a senior...!"

I cradled my head in both hands. The group date was already divided into territories: Kuyama, Yanagi, and Everyone Else. No one was paying attention to us anymore.

Yanagi was watching my reaction with curiosity, but then Kitsune-san whispered something to her.

It was probably some unnecessary comment. Kitsune-san seemed like the type to do that.

"Um,  Saigawa-san... how old are you now?"

"...Twenty. I'm in my third year of university..."

I had already said this in my introduction. Why ask again?

"Oh, twenty... Hmm... so you were in your second year of high school back then."

"That's right..."

"Wow... I was in my third year of middle school."

"Yeah, I figured as much..."

"Middle schooler... you had a hard time, didn’t you?"



Huh? Did she just laugh? She definitely laughed, right? She mocked me with a sneer, didn’t she?

It was a smug, victorious laugh.

"S-sorry (laugh). I thought Feather Hunter was a middle school student my age... (laugh).”

"Hey... stop..."

"I'll make sure to call you properly from now on, okay?"

"Stop it...!"

"Saigawa-senpai... (laughs)"

Clink. Yanagi’s glass of water and my mug clinked in an awkward toast.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Fight me again, you bastard!!"

It was the moment when the spaces of Kuyama, Yanagi, me, and everyone else were fully divided…

"You guys... what the hell are you doing here?"

The male organizer from our side called me and Kuyama out midway. He was dressed like a typical college student, all flashy and casual, but his expression could only be described as pure rage.

"Well, uh... yeah..."

"Haha, no room for excuses. As you can see, there are indeed two creatures in this country who are completely unsuited for a group date."

"Don’t act so smug! Kuyama, I brought you because you’re good-looking! And you... I forgot your name, but if you can't read the room, just leave already! I'll even pay you to go!"

Surprisingly considerate. Or maybe he just wanted us gone so badly that he was willing to pay us off.

I knew full well that I had made a huge mistake. After being relentlessly provoked by Ritsuka, I ended up raising my voice, which was totally out of character for me. If you do something like that at a group date, it's easy to imagine the atmosphere freezing over instantly. Honestly, it would have been better if I had been chilled by Ritsuka's Blessing instead.

I made eye contact with Kuyama. He gave a small nod in response.

"Thanks—I'll never forget you. Though I forgot your name..."

Then, Kuyama hugged the organizer directly, patting him on the back.

"Why the hell...?"

"Stop it!! It's like you're comforting me!! And my name is—"

"Well then, if you're being so kind, let's head out, Saigawa. With the money we saved, let’s get some beef bowls on the way back."

"Don't say 'saved money'... Ah, thanks for your hard work."

Kuyama quickly turned on his heel, and I hurriedly followed after him.

There was no way we could show our faces at that group date again, so leaving was our only option.

"Don't you ever show your face again!! Thanks for your hard work!!"

(Will he even return the thanks...)

It was definitely a behavior typical of a college student. The organizer probably wasn't a bad guy.

"You'll probably dream about it—seeing all those boobs lined up."

"Any other guy would be happy about that dream..."

On the way back, Kuyama and I walked slowly. Well... Kuyama wasn’t exactly walking. He was hopping around like a rabbit. Like a really happy kid bouncing around.

"I expected it for myself... but I never thought you’d mess up this badly, Saigawa. I didn’t have much room to pay attention, but was that silver-haired girl someone you knew or something?"

"Well, something like that. And why the hell are you hopping?"

"It’s the rebound. The release from all those boobs. My body just bounces."

"Someone like you shouldn’t be going to a group date...!!"

I never really understood what Kuyama was thinking. And sometimes, he’d do things like this, acting completely out of the ordinary. It’s become something I’m kind of used to by now. And don’t say 'boob group'—what is this, some kind of dramatic performance?

"Still, I really messed up... I should’ve just played it cool, no matter who I knew. I got way too distracted by that girl..."

"That silver-haired girl was pretty messed up too. I’ve never seen a girl throw ice during an introduction."

"I think I’ve never seen all those guys faint from handing out business cards either."

"That’s true..."

"Hey! You two over there!! Wait up!!"

Just as Kuyama was about to shrug his shoulders, someone called out to us from behind.

It was a familiar voice. I immediately turned around.

"Kitsune-san. And... Ritsuka."

"I was wondering why you two hadn't come back, and the organizer said you guys left early. So we decided to leave the group date too."

"I was planning to go home... I didn't know I was supposed to chase after this guy."

Kitsune-san, a little out of breath, and Ritsuka, who looked unimpressed but hadn't broken a sweat, were standing there.

They left the group date and went out of their way to chase after us? What was going on?

"Ahhhhhh!! The bouncing boobs are here!!"

Kuyama, still hopping around, suddenly fell flat on his face and began wriggling on the ground like a fish stranded on land. What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, stop calling women 'boobs.'

"If you have something to say, let's talk at that park over there. Just ignore this guy."

"Ah, okay. I’ll do that..."

"You’re really good at imitating a carp..."

Ignoring Kuyama, Kitsune-san, Ritsuka, and I headed toward a small park nearby.

Without reason, I instinctively started patting my waist. I realized only after a moment that I was searching for my gun handle.

(We were originally enemies. The possibility of a confrontation can’t be ruled out.)

I took a small step back and leaned against a streetlight in the park. Behind me was some shrubbery, which I figured I could use to hide if needed. On the other hand, Kitsune-san and Ritsuka stood side by side, standing still.

"So... what do you want with me?"

"Well, I was thinking of apologizing for earlier. I kinda pushed Ritsuka to provoke you, and I didn’t expect you to get that angry. Sorry about that!"

Kitsune-san bent at the waist, apologizing to me.

"Ah... well, I guess I was a bit childish too..."

I hadn’t expected an apology, so I was taken off guard.

"See, Ritsuka, you have to apologize too!"



Kitsune-san pushed Ritsuka's back, but Ritsuka's waist didn't bend at all.

"Not no! This guy's a senior, and Ritsuka really messed up the group date, so you should apologize properly! Come on, bend your waist... Why won’t you bend!? Are you made of steel or something!?"

"No, no! I don't want to apologize!"

"Why not?!"


Ritsuka glanced briefly at me. She then stared at me for a few seconds, as though inspecting me.


"Apologizeeeee...?? You’re gonna apologize to me with that smile on your face too, right??"

I didn’t expect to be mocked again. What’s up with this girl? Unlike Kitsune-san, what is he even doing?

"Ugh, this kid... Sorry, Saigawa-san. She’s not usually like this."

"Because... it's the truth. I’m stronger than this guy, who’s older than me. I was just stating a fact. Why do I have to apologize for that? Doesn’t that seem strange?"


Stop being so irritating... But Ritsuka was just stating the truth. The fact that I struggled against Ritsuka, who's younger than me, is true, and it wouldn't be strange for her to call me 'senior' when she’s better than me.

But the issue is with Ritsuka’s constant taunting. So yeah, apologize already.

"Well, maybe that’s true... Saigawa-san might be weaker, but..."

"Now you're digging at me too?"

"You see? Getting angry when someone states the truth means you don’t have peace of mind. You’re clearly lacking in confidence."

Once again, Ritsuka looked down on me. Oh, now that I think about it... I’ve gotten used to that kind of look.

We were enemies from the start, and we both were always confrontational. If we didn’t act that way, we’d be swallowed by each other’s intimidation, so I remember a lot of conversations like that.

Looks like that hasn’t changed. If that’s the case, then Ritsuka doesn’t need to apologize to me. Not at this point.

"If it's not the truth, then apologize, huh?"

"Huh? What’s with the sudden—"

Before Ritsuka could finish her sentence, I flicked a stone that I had been holding in my hand upwards.

Bang. The streetlight above us shattered, and in an instant, darkness enveloped us.

I kicked off the ground. I kicked so hard it seemed like I was digging into the earth. With explosive acceleration in my right arm, I sent a punch toward Ritsuka.

The reason I chose this spot was to immediately hide if I got attacked, but also—if I were to attack, I could take out the light source and catch my opponent off guard.

My fist reached Ritsuka’s throat before she could create an ice shield for protection.

"Looks like you’ve gotten weaker over the years, 'White Sorcerer.'"


I didn’t crush her throat simply to get an apology from her. More than anything, I should’ve known. If I had even a bit more killing intent, this would have been the end for her.

"Apologize. I’m stronger than you."

"...I’ll crush you...!!"

"Try it...!!"

The streetlight was shattered, and the surroundings were quite dim. Only the faint moonlight illuminated us.

In that darkness, a mist-like presence surrounded me.

A bone-chilling coldness settled in, as if the temperature had dropped.

It was undoubtedly the result of Ritsuka’s Blessing, and also a precursor to an attack.

However, if she was planning to make a move, I’d rather crush her throat before she could.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! I heard the sound of something being sprayed... or rather, something was sprayed at us.

"Ugh! What the heck is this...?!"

"Cough! Hey, hey, Yoshino! Why am I getting sprayed too...?!"

The sickly sweet scent made it clear. Kitsune-san must’ve sprayed perfume at both me and Ritsuka’s faces.

I instinctively stepped back from Ritsuka. She did the same.

"You guys, how long are you gonna keep playing this battle game!? That era is over, so just get over it already!"



I realized that I had let my temper get the better of me.

Sure, in a park at night, fighting for real and risking our lives was honestly a bit much.

"But! I get it, both Ritsuka and Saigawa-san have serious rivalry going on! So—"

Kitsune-san pulled out a wallet from her bag and took out two tickets from it.

"Here! Bowling coupons! They’re about to expire, so you two should go tomorrow!"

"W-wait. I don’t get it. Why do I have to go to some place like that with White Mage?"

"Yeah, Yoshino! Even if we go, you’re coming too, right?!"

"Ah, I’m working tomorrow, so I can’t. And there’s only two coupons, plus I’m kind of broke. But whatever, anyway! If you’re gonna have a competition, make it something other than a battle! Settle things clearly in a different way! Or are you scared of losing, so you’re gonna come up with an excuse to back out? I don’t mind either way—"

"“We’ll go.”"

"Look at you two getting along... Well then, it’s decided. Do your best to enjoy yourselves and try to knock each other out ♪"

With an oddly joyful expression, Kitsune-san concluded it just like that.

And so, for reasons unknown, I ended up unexpectedly reuniting with my former rival at a mixer, narrowly avoiding a life-or-death confrontation, and ultimately, tomorrow, the two of us were going bowling together.

It was utterly trivial, unreasonable, yet a commonplace beginning to what would become a series of ordinary days.

In time, I would come to realize that this rival was, in fact, the person destined for me.

This story is—their love story, the beginning of how they came to be.

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